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Tentative program

Monday, 15 September

Time Activity Speaker Remarks
09:00 Arrival
10:00 Welcome to the Lorentz Center Mieke Schutte (Executive Manager, Lorentz Center) Session chair: Johan Jeuring
10:15 Opening: welcome at the workshop Erik Barendsen (Radboud U Nijmegen & Open U, Netherlands) --
10:30 Invited talk: Computing education: view of the Dutch government Roel Endert (ministry of Education, Culture and Science) --
10:45 Invited talk: The Computing at School project; discussion Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research, UK) presentation slides
11:30 Introduction to workshop themes and programme Erik Barendsen (Radboud U Nijmegen & Open U, Netherlands) --
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Country report: Computer science in US schools: the practitioner perspective Chris Stephenson (Google, US) Session chair: Jan van Leeuwen presentation slides
14:30 Invited talk: Teaching computing; discussion Judith Gal-Ezer (Open U, Israel) presentation slides
15:20 Working group inventarization see page Day-1 --
15:40 Working groups --
17:40 Working groups report --
18:10 Wine and cheese party; (dinner)

Tuesday, 16 September

Time Activity Speaker Remarks
09:00 Invited talk: Computational thinking; discussion Chris Stephenson (Google, US) Session chair: Jan van Leeuwen
09:50 Country report: France Gilles Dowek (Inria Rocquencourt, France) presentation slides
10:20 Coffee break
10:50 Invited talk: Introducing informatics concepts and computational thinking through the Bebras contest Valentina Dagiene (Vilnius U, Lithuania) presentation slides
11:40 Working group inventarization see Day-2 --
12:00 Lunch
14:00 Country report: Germany Jan Vahrenhold (Münster U, Germany) Session chair: Eelco Dijkstra
14:30 Working groups --
16:30 Working groups report --
17:00 Flash talks Mariëlle Stoelinga (U Twente, NL), Bern Martens (KH/KU Leuven, B), Joek van Montfoort (Scratch, NL), Eelco Dijkstra (ICT in de Wolken, NL). --
(19:00) (Dinner)

Wednesday, 17 September

Time Activity Speaker Remarks
09:00 Invited talk: Programming; discussion Ralf Romeike (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) Session chair: Johan Jeuring
group answers: Day-3/Programming
09:50 Country report: Israel Judith Gal-Ezer (Open U, Israel) presentation slides
10:20 Coffee break
10:50 Invited talk: Practical insights in teaching Computer Science and Information thinking in schools based on Open methodologies; discussion Ajit Joakar (Feynlabs, UK) --
11:40 Working group inventarization see page Day-3 --
11:50 Flash talk(s) Bert de Brock (U Groningen, NL) --
12:0o Lunch
14:00 Country report: Belgium/Flanders Bern Martens (KH Leuven/KU Leuven, Belgium) Session chair: Johan Jeuring
presentation slides
14:30 Working groups --
16:15 Working groups report --
17:00 Departure by bus to social event
17:30 Social event and workshop dinner
21:30 Return by bus to Leiden Central Station, Lorentz Center and Hotel

Thursday, 18 September

Time Activity Speaker Remarks
09:00 Invited talk: Curriculum construction; discussion Gilles Dowek (Inria Rocquencourt, France) Session chair: Jan van Leeuwen
09:50 Student session (demos) Eelco Dijkstra, Ronald Leijten, and Pieter van de Hoeven (moderators) --
10:20 Coffee break
10:50 Student session (forum) Eelco Dijkstra, Ronald Leijten, and Pieter van der Hoeven (moderators) --
11:40 Working group inventarization see Day-4 --
12:00 Flash talk(s) Valentina Dagiene (Vilnius U, Lithuania) --
12:10 Lunch
14:00 Country report: Lithuania Valentina Dagiene (Vilnius U, Lithuania) Session chair: Erik Barendsen
14:30 Working groups --
16:30 Working groups report --
17:00 Flash talks Frank Westland (Odulphus Lyceum, NL), Paul Bergervoet (Informatica-Actief, NL), Kees Huzing (Techn Univ Eindhoven, NL), Jan Lepeltak (NGI, NL) --
(19:00) (Dinner)

Friday, 19 September

Time Activity Speaker Remarks
09:00 Country report: Teachers' professional development in the Netherlands; discussion Bert Zwaneveld (Open U, Netherlands) Session chair: Erik Barendsen presentation slides
09:30 Working group inventarization --
09:50 Working groups: finalizing --
11:30 Working groups report Tomas Harreveld presentation slides
Working groups report Berry Nieskens presentation slides
Working groups report Bert Zwaneveld --
12:00 Lunch
13.30 Transfer to the Boerhaave Museum (Leiden) (organized by LC)
14:00 Welcome at the Boerhaave museum (Leiden) (session in Dutch)
14:15 Presentation of workshop results Erik Barendsen (Radboud U Nijmegen & Open U, Netherlands) Session chair: Jan Karel Lenstra
14:40 Forum / Discussion Respondents: Jurgen Geelhoed (MinEZ), Paul van Meenen (D66), Ramon Moorlag (I&I), Maarten van Steen (VUA), Miranda Valkenburg (HBO-I), Jeroen Versteeg (NL ICT), moderator: Jan Karel Lenstra (CWI, The Netherlands) --
16:00 Closing remarks Jan Karel Lenstra (CWI, Netherlands) --
16:05 Reception; workshop ends (until 17.30)